Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fresno, CA

Thank you Jesus! Each step we go we are not exactly sure what to expect, but we know the Lord goes before us.
We were honored to minister at a convalescent hospital in Fresno, California. We drove up to buildings that seemed to be in the middle of the desert. As we entered the building, we saw many people in wheel chairs. We walked down several halls and passed elderly that were facing serious physical problems.
We had favor with the staff, Thank you Lord. I had made sure it was clear to them we would be preaching from the Bible. They had no problem with that. They provided the activity room and there were over twelve patients in the room and a nurse. The patients were hurting physically but it was also clear that there was emotional and mental suffering. As I went and introduced myself to them, it was wonderful just to say hi to them. After I took my seat in the front I looked out at them. I saw wheel chairs, people who couldn't hold their heads up, a lady in a strecher bed who could not move, etc. I realized "oh, thank you Lord for sending us here with the Gospel "the Good News"". Jesus sent His Word and healed them (Psalm 107:20) and His Word does not change (Hebrews 4:12).
We began the meeting and the Presence of God was thick; thank you Lord. We praised and worshipped. I preached Jesus; salvation through Him and Him alone. We preached hard, how much God loves them. I shared how salvation includes health. Jesus bore our sickness and diseases on the cross (Isaiah 53:4,5). Vincent added how the Word is like medicine (Pr 4:22). Vincent prayed with them to receive Jesus as their Lord and prayed blessing and health over them. We had a time of individual prayer; if they wanted prayer they raised their hand or asked for prayer. There were several who jumped at the opportunity.
One lady I prayed with was lying in a bed and couldn't move her body. I am not sure, maybe her back was broke; she couldn't talk clearly. I prayed for her and released my faith in God. After I talked with her, I asked her if she loved God. She said yes. I could understand her. I told her He was with her and wouldn't leave her. She began to cry a lot. I told her to look at me and I told her God was with her and He loves her. Then I asked her if she believed in Jesus and she said yes. I had her pray and make Jesus her Lord. I asked her to repeat with me 'thank you Lord for healing me. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord.' And each time she was clearer and clearer. Oh thank you Jesus. His Word is the power of God unto salvation. His Word has power to save and to heal. Thank you Jesus! If one were to look at her in the carnal it would seem like ther was no hope, but praise Jesus, with Jesus there is always hope.
I am so thankful for all God did in Fresno; so much that we may not have even seen. There was seed planted and people received His Word and it will save them, free them, and heal them in Jesus' name. Thank you Lord!

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